Organization Settings

Organization settings are where any Organization Admin can check basic information on their org, setup new configs, and other features described below.

Accessing Organization Settings


Any Organization Admin will be able to see a blue Settings button at the top of the home page for the org.

Settings Header


A new header will appear after you are in the settings page. This header has a couple new options.

  • Organization home
    • This will bring you back to the main organization homepage.
  • Activation
    • This will bring you to a page where you can generate Activation Tokens. More info on that process here in Activation Tokens.
  • Downloads
    • This will bring you the downloads page for OS images. More info on that process here in Appliance Deployment.

Settings Features

Basic Information and Contact Information

This section is listed near the top and contains your organization name, label, and contact information.

Webhook Configuration

This section allows you to link new tickets to anything that can receive a webhook post. It will send a POST request to the URL below with details of new tickets. You can also specify which data format you’d like to receive.

OpsGenie Configuration

This section allows you to hookup the tickets to your own OpsGenie account. We will send an alert using the key below.

Technical Account Manager

This simply lists your current Technical Account Manager.

Response Plans

These plans determine how the SOC will respond to your team on ticket creation.

New Ticket Email Template

This template here shows how the emails are formatted when they are sent to you.