MFA Settings

This section will detail all information regarding setting up and maintaining Scope multi-factor authentication for your organization. You must be an Organization Admin to access any of these settings.

Enabling MFA for your organization.


Any Organization Admin will be able to see a blue Settings button at the top of the home page for the org.

From this page you should be able to see the above setting to enable Scope MFA.

Setting up MFA as a user

  1. The first time a user attempts to log in to Scope after MFA has been set for their organization, they will be prompted to select an authenticator app ScopeMFAAppChoice

  2. The user will need to scan the QR code using their authentication app ScopeMFAScan

  3. If using Google Authenticator, the user will need to enter the code provided. If using Guardian, the user will need to click the Approve button in their app ScopeMFALogIn

  4. After setting up their authentication app, a recovery code will be given to the user


Organization Admins are able to reset any organization users MFA if needed. You can do this by following the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the User Management page. You will be able to see a blue User Management button at the top of the home page for the org. Click on this to navigate to the User Management Page.

  2. Enter the Edit User menu. Click on the edit pencil next to the user you'd like to reset MFA for.

  3. Click the MFA Reset Button. You will have to confirm that you wish to do this on the second popup as well. ScopeMFAButton

  4. The user should receive an MFA reset email. Confirm with your user that they have received the appropriate email to reset their Scope MFA. It should look like the following picture. ScopeMFAEmail

Please note, if you are an Organization Admin and need your own MFA reset, please reach out to