Dashboard Features

This section describes the features that your organization dashboard will be displaying on the home page.

If there are any more details you'd like to see added to this page, please contact your Pondurance representative!

Features List



The announcements section at the top of the dashboard will only be visible if there is an important update from your team at Pondurance. We recommend checking these announcements as soon as possible!

Event Metrics

There are many different metrics regarding events on your organization dashboard. This will be a brief overview of each of them.

Tickets By Category DashboardEvent1

The ‘Tickets By Category’ pie chart captures all of the tickets sent to you by Pondurance and sorts them by category type. (phishing, malware, etc.) You can hover over a section of the pie chart with your mouse to see all the different ticket categories and their respective counts.

Average Acknowledgment Time DashboardEvent2

The ‘Average Acknowledgment Time’ count displays your organizations average acknowledgement time on tickets in the past 30 days in hours:minutes format. The text below compares that to your all-time average acknowledgement time. For more information on how average acknowledgement time is calculated, see the page on Ticket Acknowledgement Flow.

Utilization Status DashboardEvent3

The ‘Utilization Status’ section shows two different number values if applicable (0 should be in place if you don't use a service). The top number depicts your log usage which is compared to your contracts limit and displays how close you are to that limit with the subtext. The bottom number depicts your overall network usage.

Pondurance News DashboardEvent4

The ‘Pondurance News’ section displays the latest blog resource published by Pondurance for your security digest.

Stats Chart DashboardEvent5

This stats chart lies below the above metrics and is a very powerful tool for seeing data on multiple different features. You can select between categories of Events, Logs, Alerts, Tickets, and Remediations. You can set time frames for 7 days, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months. The data this chart returns will be the total counts for the category selected between the timeframe selected. You can also see overall counts in the boxes below the chart for each category.

Open Tickets


The ‘Open Tickets’ section contains an active list of the current open tickets that need acknowledgment. You can use this list to navigate to the desired ticket by clicking the Show button to the right of each ticket row.

Black boxes in picture are due to redacting data, there will be text there in your organization page describing the ticket in more detail

Recent Conversations


The ‘Recent Conversations’ section highlights the most recently active conversations and allows you to navigate to it quickly by clicking the Show button to the right of each conversation row.

Black boxes in picture are due to redacting data, there will be text there in your organization page describing the conversation in more detail

Organization Teams

After the ‘Recent Conversations’ section, you will see the list of current team members of your organization on the left-hand side. On the right-hand side you will see contact information for Pondurance and contact information for your point-of-contact.

Service Contracts

At the very bottom of the dashboard you will see the current Service Contracts you have running with pondurance listing contract type, start date, end date, type of service. You may also have a category for humio licenses if your contract includes that service.

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